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Visitors 601
Modified 18-Oct-13
Created 5-Apr-10
420 photos

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Guestbook for Arthur
Bonjour Marc,
Your gallery seduced me, you’ve posted magnificent pictures, they’re so carefully framed (good idea your square format !), neatly colored, so luminous, it’s such a pleasure to spend some time admiring your work !
I sincerely hope that this second job you now have since February (if I’m correct) will be a successful one, good luck ! By judging of your talent when you wander with your camera in the newly restored Bourgtheroulde hotel (I dare say your job is fabulous, I knew the building from the old days), your clients must be happy !
I’ve already forwarded your address to my son, he loves your work too. Great lessons for both of us…
And thanks for this lovely and tender portraits of Arthur, your wife, and you, Arthur has got such kind and smiling parents he’s well on his way to become a joyful boy ! For Shirley is right, this is medicine and Arthur’s got plenty of it.
A pleasure to use your referral code, I couldn’t choose better !!
Best wishes to you and your loved ones !
Hervé, Lille
Wolfgang Lonien(non-registered)

I cannot add much more to what Shirley already wrote - he's just sooo cute. As is your beautiful wife. You're a real happy guy, and I also RSS-bookmarked your Zenfolio page here to look for new content from time to time.

What is really really cool, and I think I've said it before, is your B&W conversion technique - I think I could learn a lot from what you're doing here. First, I assume, your exposure has to be spot-on, right? But what do you do with the curves afterwards? You're a magician with what you're able to do with light!

Great work, Marc, I'm sure Arthur will be very proud of his dad looking at those later.

Best wishes to you and your great little family, and thanks for sharing your stunning photos,

This photo album is like medicine! I dare anyone to look at little Arthur's sweet face (especially those smiles!) and not have a smile on their face too. Your photos are truly beautiful Marc, you have 2 very beautiful subjects (3 counting yourself) in this album of Arthur's. I love it.
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